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EFT tapping for entrepreneurs: How to break free from imposter syndrome and take bold action

A few years ago, before a big pitch, I felt my nerves take over. My hands were clammy, my heart was racing, and I kept thinking, ‘What if they see right through me?’Sound familiar? That gut-wrenching fear of public failure is something nearly every entrepreneur experiences, but no one really talks about it.

Imposter syndrome thrives on that worry. It whispers doubts in your ear. It keeps you from sharing your ideas or asking for significant opportunities. You tell yourself, “I’m not ready,” even when you have the credentials and track record that prove otherwise.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping, offer a path out of that mental trap. Tapping on specific points while acknowledging your negative thoughts can shift how your mind and body respond to fear. It might feel a little strange at first, but it’s actually pretty simple. You use your fingertips to tap on meridian points—like acupuncture, but without the needles.

How does it actually work?

  1. Identify a Thought or Feeling
    For example, “I’m terrified of speaking at that industry event. Everyone will see I’m out of my depth.”
  2. Before you start tapping, take a moment. How bad does this fear feel? Is it a mild, nagging discomfort, or does it have your stomach in knots? If I had to guess, I’d say my public-speaking panic used to be a solid 9 out of 10. No need for an exact number—just get a feel for it so you can notice any shifts after tapping.
  3. Set a Simple Statement
    Say, “Even though I feel like a fraud, I accept myself.” Repeat this as you tap on the side of your hand (the fleshy part below your pinky).
  4. Tap on Key Points
    Common tapping points include the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, and under the arm. Gently tap each point about five to seven times. As you tap, voice the negative thought (“I feel like a fraud”) and then follow it with a positive phrase (“I can learn to trust my expertise”).
  5. After a round of tapping, check in again. Is the fear still gripping you, or has it softened a bit? If it’s still heavy, no worries—just do another round. You might need multiple rounds if your fear feels especially heavy.

EFT helps you break the loop of fearful thoughts that feed imposter syndrome. By tapping, you’re interrupting that script and telling your body it’s safe to let go of the tension. Over time, the sense of self-doubt quiets, and you can approach challenges more calmly and with less panic.

I admit I wasn’t sure it would work when I first tried tapping. But after a few rounds, I noticed a slight shift. The nerves were still there, but they didn’t feel as overwhelming. The fear wasn’t gone, but it felt more manageable—like turning down the volume in a noisy room. And that tiny shift? That’s what helped me finally hit ‘send’ on that investor email I had been avoiding for weeks.

See what happens when you tap through the steps. Pick one aspect of your business where you feel the most doubt. Set a timer for five minutes and tap through the sequence above. Notice how your mind and body respond. If you notice even a tiny change, that’s worth paying attention to.

Keep practicing until your next big move feels less scary. The goal is to stop letting imposter syndrome hold you back from pitching an innovative idea or launching a new product. You know you have value to share, and tapping helps you trust that truth more fully.

Why not test it out today? No pressure, no daily commitment. Just a single round. See if anything shifts, If it helps, even a little, maybe you’ll try it again tomorrow. And if not? Well, at least you’ll have ruled it out instead of wondering, ‘What if?’ That alone is a win.

Imposter syndrome often overlaps with perfectionism. Learn how to release it with Breaking the Perfectionism Cycle..

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