The truth is, these hidden thoughts are what shape our reality—not just our desires. Beneath every intention, there are layers of resistance—unspoken fears, old beliefs, and lingering emotions we haven’t fully acknowledged.
This resistance is what holds us back, no matter how much effort we put into focusing on our goals.
Enter EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping—a practical method for releasing emotional blocks and getting out of your own way. By using EFT to clear the resistance surrounding your desires, you create a more natural flow toward the outcomes you want. Think of it as cleaning up the static that distorts your signal, bringing your thoughts, emotions, and actions into full alignment.
Here’s how to do it.
- Define What You Want
The first step is to get clear on what you’re trying to create. Write it down in a sentence or two. Keep it simple, specific, and honest.
- “I want to build a fulfilling career that gives me freedom and stability.”
- “I want to feel at peace in my relationship with my body.”
Don’t overthink the wording—just let it reflect what you genuinely want. This will give you a foundation for the process.
Notice the Resistance
Now, read your goal out loud and pay attention to how your body and mind respond.
Do you feel a tightness in your chest?
Do you hear an internal voice saying, Yeah, right?
Does a feeling of doubt, fear, or discomfort rise to the surface?
Write down everything that comes up, both physically and emotionally. Be specific.
For example:
- “I feel anxious when I think about earning more money—it’s a 7 out of 10.”
- “My stomach feels heavy when I think about starting this project.”
- “I feel a deep sadness when I think about having a peaceful relationship with my body.”
This step is about bringing the resistance into the light so it can be addressed.
Acknowledge Outside Opinions and Internal Beliefs
Next, imagine sharing your goal with someone in your life—family, friends, coworkers. What do you think they’d say?
- “That’s too ambitious.”
- “You’ve tried this before and it didn’t work.”
- “You should be more realistic.”
Then, look inward. What beliefs have you internalized about your goal?
- “It’s not possible for me.”
- “I’m not disciplined enough to pull this off.”
- “I’ll probably mess it up like I always do.”
Write down these thoughts and rate the intensity of how they make you feel (0–10). The stronger the emotion, the more important it is to tap on it.
Use EFT Tapping to Release Resistance
Now, it’s time to tap. Focus on one belief or feeling at a time, using EFT to help neutralize it.
Karate Chop Point (side of the hand):
- “Even though I feel anxious about this goal, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
- “Even though I feel this pressure in my chest, I choose to let it soften.”
- “Even though I have doubts, I’m open to a new possibility.”
Eyebrow Point:This anxiety about my goal
Side of Eye:I feel tension in my body
Under Eye:I’m afraid I’ll fail again
Under Nose:It feels heavy to hold onto this fear
Chin:I’ve been carrying it for a long time
Collarbone: I’m ready to release it now
Under Arm:This fear is softening
Top of Head:I feel more open and at ease
Rebuild with Intention
Once you’ve tapped on the resistance and your emotional intensity has dropped, it’s time to shift toward the possibility of something new. Focus on the calm, open feeling you’ve created and let yourself imagine the outcome again—but without the old tension attached to it.
Here’s a sample tapping sequence to guide you:
Eyebrow:I’m open to new possibilities
Side of Eye:I can trust myself to take the next step
Under Eye:I am capable of creating what I want
Under Nose:I am ready to move forward with ease
Chin:I feel more aligned and grounded
Collarbone:I trust the process unfolding
Under Arm:I am worthy of my desires
Top of Head:I feel calm, clear, and capable
Keep the Practice Simple and Consistent
Manifestation is a process of continuous alignment. As new doubts and fears arise, meet them with gentle awareness and tapping.
Set aside five to ten minutes each day to reflect and tap on whatever feels most present. The goal isn’t to force outcomes but to keep clearing the path—removing the noise and static so that your intentions can take shape naturally.
Manifestation isn’t about controlling the world around you—it’s about freeing yourself from the stories and beliefs that keep you stuck.
With each tapping session, you’ll clear a little more space. You’ll trust yourself more. You’ll move forward with less resistance and more ease.
What’s waiting for you on the other side of that space? You get to decide.
Resistance often comes from past emotional blocks. You can release these blocks by learning about Tapping for Trauma Healing.
For a deeper practice in self-trust while manifesting, try Moving Through Self-Doubt.
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