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The 90-Second Reset: How to Get Unstuck Using EFT Tapping

Let’s be real. We all hit that wall sometimes. You’re staring at your list, completely stuck, unable to figure out what to do next. You know you’ve got plenty of work, but the more you think about it, the more overwhelming it gets.

What usually happens?
You push harder, try to muscle through it… and get nowhere.

Here’s the thing: Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to stop.

I learned this the hard way a few months ago. I had a packed day, deadlines everywhere, and that familiar pressure started building in my chest. Instead of taking a break, I kept telling myself, Just push through it—you’ll get there. But it wasn’t happening. My brain felt like it was short-circuiting, and I was staring blankly at my screen, cycling through tabs without actually doing anything.

Finally, I paused. I set a timer for 90 seconds and did a round of EFT tapping. It felt a little strange at first—like, how could this possibly help? But by the end of that first round, the tension in my chest had eased up. My thoughts stopped spinning so fast. It didn’t fix everything instantly, but it created enough space to breathe and get back to work with a clearer head.

Here’s how you can use this same process the next time you feel stuck.

  • Take an Honest Check-In

Before you start tapping, pause and notice what’s happening inside.

How does your body feel? What’s your mind doing?

Write it down—tightness in your shoulders, a knot in your stomach, thoughts racing in circles. Be as honest as possible. Don’t filter it or try to sound polished. Just capture what’s there.

Then, give it a number from 0 to 10. No overthinking—just your gut reaction. This helps you track the shift later.

  • Tap Through the Stress

Now, it’s time to tap.

Start by tapping on the Karate Chop Point (the side of your hand) and say:
“Even though I feel overwhelmed and stuck, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Say that a few times, then move through these tapping points:

  • Eyebrow:This tension in my chest
  • Side of Eye:These racing thoughts
  • Under Eye:I’m feeling completely stuck
  • Under Nose:It feels like too much
  • Chin:I don’t know where to start
  • Collarbone: This pressure in my body
  • Under Arm:I’m holding onto so much stress
  • Top of Head:It feels heavy and chaotic

Take a deep breath and check in with your body again. Has anything shifted?

If the number is still high, do another round. This time, soften the language:

  • Eyebrow: I’m open to feeling a little calmer
  • Side of Eye: I can let some of this tension go
  • Under Eye:I don’t have to figure it all out right now
  • Under Nose:It’s safe to breathe
  • Chin:I trust that clarity will come
  • Collarbone:I can move through this one step at a time
  • Under Arm:It’s OK to reset
  • Top of Head:I’m open to finding ease in this moment

Take another deep breath. Even a small shift is progress.

  • Choose Your Next Step

Once you’ve cleared some of the tension, decide what comes next—not because it’s urgent, but because it feels like the right thing to focus on.

You don’t need to conquer the entire list in one go. Just pick one thing. Start small.

When I did this the first time, I chose something simple—responding to one email that had been weighing on me. That one small action broke the inertia and gave me enough momentum to keep going.

EFT tapping helps calm the nervous system by interrupting the stress response in your body. When you’re overwhelmed, your mind goes into overdrive, and your body holds onto that tension.

Tapping breaks that loop. It gently signals to your body that it’s safe to relax. As the tension eases, your thoughts begin to clear, and the mental fog lifts.

This isn’t about instantly solving everything or making your stress vanish. It’s about creating just enough space to take a breath and find clarity.

From there, you can move forward with more intention—without dragging all the weight of that stuck energy with you.

The next time you hit a wall, give it a try. Pause for 90 seconds, tap through what you’re feeling, and notice what shifts. Even the smallest change can make a big difference.

Sometimes, the fastest way to reset is to stop and check in with yourself. For longer-lasting relief, consider reading Break the Burnout Cycle with EFT Tapping to break out of exhaustion loops.

Getting unstuck sometimes starts with addressing procrastination patterns. Learn how in How to Turn ‘I’ll Do It Later’ into ‘I’m Doing It Now.

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